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Developing Deep

Conceptual Understanding

Helping Students Have More Lightbulb Moments!

Author, Speaker, Education Consultant


Partnering with institutions to transform learning experiences through pedagogical approaches focusing on concepts and inquiry. Specializing in developing frameworks that promote deep understanding, student agency, and the authentic application of knowledge.


Professional Learning opportunities on Concept-Based learning for teachers to help our students have more light bulb moments and love learning!

Dr. Jennifer Chang Wathall â€‹

I was born to be a teacher. I knew I wanted to be a math teacher from an early age and always had a passion for teaching. I love being in the classroom and just spending time with my students with the goal of inspiring a love for learning. Nothing excites me more than seeing those light bulb moments during a lesson when students have a gleam in their eye because they get it. That gleam tells me my students understand on a deeper level than what a textbook or video can explain. I have been so lucky that all of my life I knew what my vocation would be.

Upcoming Workshops

Open Workshops Calendar

Everything you need to know about Teaching for Deep Understanding in the Brick and Mortar and Online Environment.

How I Can Help?

Face to Face In-Person or Online!

Professional Development to help teachers be the source of inspiration for their students!

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